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classic bikes image
The manufacturing craftsmanship of the Classic Street Bike
is truly something to be admired.
These amazing reproductions are truly of museum quality.
From the era correct and functional sand cast engine to the white button tread tires,
it speaks of the early days around the turn of the century.
Note the hand made full spring leather seat, the leather lined drive pulleys and
99 inch long drive belt.
The cast muffler features a period modern exhaust cut out door that in its
day was kept closed in town areas so as not to scare the horses.


You will be in awe of the manufacturing craftsmanship of the brass, bronze and nickel plated
components that go into the production of this work of rolling art. Standard colors are
black and gray, with others available.

These bikes are truly Timeless!

Prices starting at $9,995.00.

Check out our 2 new additions:
The 1911 Flying Merkel V-twin and The 1911 V-twin!

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